My Family

My Family

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween ALREADY!?

So I am still in shock it's already Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner! These past few months have been a whirlwind to say the least. The end of September we got to go on an Amazing family vacation to Disney World! It was a BLAST! Just what we needed to be together and have TONS of family fun! It was nice to not have anything to "DO" and no one to call or ask Korry to go into work, just good FAMILY TIME! We needed that!!! As soon as we got home from Disney World we closed on a new house and made the jump and moved off base! We are really enjoying it, but it's been a crazy hectic month since we moved and Korry started back to his crazy schedule of going in at 4am and coming home around 8pm...and me running the kids EVERYWHERE it feels like, but thats just life...crazy, but fun!

Last week we all got hit with the Stomach Flu...THANK GOODNESS it was short-lived, but it was NOT fun! Bailey came down with it on Tuesday night, then Brendan got it Thursday, Kiley borrowed it Friday then on Saturday we all felt great and we all went with some friends from church to a Pumpkin Patch and had a Great time...and then I woke up sick as a dog on Sunday morning, but by Sunday night, I was feeling alright! ;o) Korry didn't really get hit with it, so I am thankful for that! He is NO FUN when he is sick. ;o)

For Halloween this year the kids decided they wanted to be Super Heros' after looking through I don't know how many catalogs, we found a Batman Costume for Brendan, a "Pink" Batgirl costume for Kiley and a Robin Costume for Bailey! THey are SO Excited! It's going to be a fun and cute weekend! Since Halloween falls on a SUnday quite a few neighborhoods are doing the Trick or Treating on Saturday, so we will do that Saturday night and on Sunday we are going to our Harvest Carnival at it will be a fulfilled weekend!!!

My Mom is getting to come down here for THanksgiving and the kids Fall Break is actually during THanksgiving, so they get a week off of school, so it will be fun for her to get to come and spend some time with all of us! :o) We'e very excited for that! She will be our first overnight guest in our new house, so I'm excited! :o)

ANYWAY, I just thought I would update my blog, since I seem to always be behind! But I hope everyone reading this has a fun and safe Halloween!!! :o)

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